Saturday, June 19, 2010

Summer Lovin', Kickin My Ass

In an attempt to afford my new apartment, this summer I have taken up two jobs. I'm still serving up the "za" most days out of the week. Just a hop, skip, and a no handed lander away, you'll find my new place of work.

The one and only Tshirt Cafe

Tshirt Cafe is still a pretty new business. I pretty much get paid to do my hobby. Cool right? The shirts that people order may not be the most beautiful works of art. I could think of a couple shirts that might have made me hurt a little inside to make. I do my best to guide some in a better direction, but seeing as I'm no expert, they're allowed to do what they want with my opinion. Some people just want bad shirts. Let them have it!

When not at work, I'm usually slaving away on World of Warcraft (If you're ever in Greymane, look me up) until the wee hours of the morning. When I'm not defending Lordaeron, I'm talking to my most favorite gal in the world. Factoring in the days I work and the distance between us, visits are far and few in between. Twill be all fine once the summer comes to an end and the apartment living starts.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the new job Cody! Jesse also had to make some pretty unappealing shirts when he worked at the screen shop. Hey it pays the bills and it's good experience. Hope you have a great summer.
