Saturday, November 21, 2009

Call of Duty: Too Bad You Can't Play It 2

*If you don't want to read this beefy paragraph, I've included a 4 panel comic that pretty much sums it up.

So just the other day I went out and picked up Call of Duty: Modern Warfare2. With all the hype and nearly my whole friends list playing, I thought I'd jump on that bandwagon and play along. I traded in a few games and used a gift card bringing my total to $.54! Pretty sweet right? Went back home as fast as I could and got a great parking spot out front. I was locked out of the room, but that was an easy fix. Get in the door, pop the game in, get into my first match and what should appear? Three little red lights that let you know your Xbox 360 just took a shit and died. 360s are notorious for doing this. This will be the second time that I have had to send my Xbox back in and hopefully it will be the last. This couldn't have come at a worse time too. I am stuck at ISU for most of the Thanksgiving break while I try to get some drawings done. No Xbox and my laptop is the new DVD player. Thanks a lot Microsoft!

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