Monday, March 15, 2010

I Can Haz Munnys?

Once again I headed out to Denver, CO to hang out with Erin and Jesse for spring break.
As soon as I arrived for what I'm going to start to call "The Denver Annual", Jesse and Erin had a craft project ready to go. They are called Munnys. What are Munnys you say?

They are small, animal like figures that come in various shapes and colors. We got blank ones so we could customize them. Each came with it's own prop to work with.

Due to random selection, I was given the purple guy. Below is the work in progress.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Love for the Little Ones

A new shirt was needed and Lily was in need. I delivered with her very own mini EPIC LAN '09 shirt. Wasn't the cleanest of designs (the original design wasn't available)but it worked out just fine. The next line up is the robot seen below. Let me know if you would like one. Sadly my class has ended and now I am going to have to charge extra for ink and what not. I will strive to keep quality high and cost low!