Thursday, February 25, 2010

Topless? I've got you covered.

Recently I got myself into a screen printing class to satisfy an old curiosity. By the third lesson I already sold a shirt! This is seriously something I would enjoy wasting my life on. Thanks to Jesse Hunsaker for the monster design and (hopefully) the robot. The monster design proved to be a pain in the neck as I didn't want to fit on one screen with the robot design. "Why not tilt them and fit them both?" I said and did. Getting the design straight and centered on the t-shirt was damn near impossible, but 2 t-shirts, a couple of practice shirts provided by the class, 6 pieces of practice paper, and you get one awesome shirt that went to Val for a low low price. I kept one of the mistakes and smeared ink all over it and called it art. I still have another mistake that I'd be willing to part with.

I will continue to include print designs in future blog post and (maybe) have it's own section/blog. Until then, if you see a design you like, let me know and I'll make one for you real cheap!